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"We recommend that all of our customers store their wine collections within Vine International.  This now means that wine will be stored in the optimum conditions whilst affording you easy access to the market's liquidity due to it's integration with the Liv-Ex exchange. 

By using Vine International we have found the process of managing customer portfolio's for buying and selling has become more efficient and profitable for our members."

Lazare Morel, Director  of Veblen Wines Ltd

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Winner: Liv-ex for its ‘SIB Passport and Instant Transfer’ initiative, implemented through its Vine logistics network

Stock stored at Vine international is increasing year on year as stock is integrated with the exchange accessing over 90% of the fine wine markets liquidity at a  touch of a button. 

  • Full audit trails are provided at all times on account.

  • Our USP has bridged a 'gap in the market' and produces effective trading through 'good practice'.

  • Real time  execution of trades 

  • Proceeds from sales are paid out in full or part as you instruct on the 21st day of the following month directly to your bank account.

At Veblen we are here to help you every step of the way. If you would like to discuss our service and how you can benefit from storing your wine at Vine International today call us now on +44 (0) 1622 672 314 or simply email us below.

All Risks – Insurance of all wines are to market value without restrictions. Cases are replaced with immediate effect or the market value is credited to your account upon your claim being completed and we will make the claim on your behalf.

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